9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Thyroid glands are the primary glands of an endocrine system that looks like a butterfly. Their placements are under Adam’s apple and are responsible for producing hormones for human anatomy’s better functioning. Notably, they produce hormones helping the body’s metabolism keep intact.

Two types of thyroid medical conditions attack synchronized functioning, and they are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The former produces hormones in excess, and the later doesn’t produce enough for healthy functioning It is becoming a common disease globally, with an average of 1 member in the group of 4. Hyperthyroidism becomes significant when the body gains a lot of weight accompanied by symptoms like intolerance towards cold, minimal sweating, body pain, and aches.

Where as, hypothyroidism becomes significant when the body shreds a lot of weight and may make the diseased look emaciated. Viewing through the eyes of Ayurveda, the defects in the thyroid glands develop because of the Doshas in Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. The accumulation of Ama and Mal becomes the primary cause of endocrine diseases. However, the treatment provided under the Ayurvedic treatment manages the levels of all the three energies specified earlier by regulating the diet & lifestyle and monitoring the physical & metabolic activities of the body.

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