9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Cardiovascular health or heart health depends on the factors, including your speed of performing the tasks, how much emotionally involved you are, and what food you have throughout the day. ‘Hurry, Worry, and Curry’ are the three factors that affect heart health the most. These are the factors that prevent the provocation of Kapha imbalance. Kapha is the third energy that ensures the healthy well being of cardiovascular health. The Ayurvedic texts of Maharishi Ayurveda state that the body should meet the daily needs and sustain a healthy balance between mental and physical activities.

The way an individual spends its entire day decides the actions he will perform the next day. Besides, once the disease enters the circulatory system will affect all the channels working towards the betterment of heart. Hridya Roga or Hridya Dosh gets the provoked when the Meda Dhatu (Fat Tissue) faces an imbalance. Possible causes behind the aggravated levels of Meda Dhatu are the consumption of unhealthy fat, inadequate lifestyle, and too much dependency on allopathic drugs and narcotics.

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