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Amidst the most common diseases in the urinary system, a kidney stone is the one with a peculiar tendency to reoccur. In medical terms, it is known as nephrolithiasis, renal calculi, and urolithiasis, which are the result of the accumulation of minerals and salts within kidneys. Generally, kidney stones are benign, but a stone of size more than 5 milligrams can block the ureter that further results in relentless abdominal pain.

Kidney stones can also become the reason behind the blood loss via urine. The categorization of kidney stones in Ayurveda is done on the basis of cause, color, and the symptoms as Vatashmari, Pittashamari, Kaphashamri, and Shukrashamri. Drying of Kapha dosh due to an imbalance in the Vata results in kidney stones. Ayurveda suggests drinking right for making the Kapha hydrated that can combat kidney stones.

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