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Renal failure or kidney failure depicts the malfunctioning of kidneys to filter toxins out of the blood in an adequate manner during which the glomerular filtration rate of the organs begins to deplete. The detection of renal failure is possible due to the elevated amount of creatinine in the blood. The approach of Ayurveda towards renal failure varies. Among the seven vital dhatus in the human body the kidneys are the Rakta and Meda dhatu. Moreover, Ama and Kitta are the two wastes produced by the human body, says Ayurvedic Physiology.

Also, renal failure is the result of vitiation in Kapha dosha, Kledak Kapha, in particular. The treatment of renal failure lies in the treatment of Rakta and Meda dhatu and in the alteration of Kapha’s vitiation. The therapeutic quality of the Ayurvedic herbs for the betterment of the kidneys reverses the loss either partially or completely. Ayurveda can reduce the frequency of dialysis along with the reduction of cardiovascular damages.

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