9:30 AM to 6:30 PM
Laryngitis is a swollen, clogged, and layered coat of Kasa (cough/mucus) of the laryngeal membrane. Incessant Laryngitis happens because of the recurrent episodes of acute Laryngitis. Since the Larynx, the vocal box of the human body is responsible for delivering the voice gets influenced by the Laryngitis.
The Ayurvedic texts have named it the Swarbedha. Swar is the voice, and Bedha is the obstruction. Vataj Swarabheda is a type of Swarabheda caused by the vitiated Vayu; it changes the voice of an individual by making it sound harsh, vibrating, and loud. The second type Ptta Swarabheda is a type of Laryngitis caused by vitiated Pitta. It makes the voice box thirsty and burnt while speaking in the Larynx. Kapha Swarbedha is the third type of Swarbedha, caused basically by vitiated Kapha, which exasperates during the night and mitigate during the day.
Sannipatik Swarabheda is a collective vitiation of the three doshas becoming the reason behind tuberculosis (Kshayaj Swarbedha). The symptoms may vary from a person to another by having fever, weakness, and excessive thirst. An imbalance in Meda Dhatu may become the cause of Medoj Swarbedha. Besides all these factors, Ayurveda provides a cure for the manifestations in Larynx by promoting adequate manducating and lifestyle amendments. Antibiotics and blood purifying supplements are suggested to recover the dysfunction in the voice box.