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The two thin layers of skin cover the lungs, one from the inner walls, while the other from the outer walls is known as Pleura. Pleurisy is a condition of inflamed Pleura that makes the layers rub against each other when an individual breathes.The Ayurvedic treatment for the Pleurisy helps in balancing these energies most productively.

The continuous process of rubbing causes inflammation and after that indicates the symptoms as stabbing pain in the chest and difficulties in breathing. The Ayurvedic experts say that it is known as the Prashwashool holding the connections between Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. In a healthy body, these layers continue to function like normal and separate the layers maintaining the pleural space. Pleural space is that it is generally filled with liquid and allows the gliding of lungs while they expand and contract as the human breathes. But as soon as the body gets invaded by the inflammation, it develops the condition of Pleurisy.

The Ayurvedic viewpoint states that out of three Doshas, imbalance or aggravation in the Vatta energy leads to the build-up of Mal (waste) and Ama (toxins) that becomes a Kapha Dosha. Now that Pitta is hot in nature, it liquidates the accumulated waste and toxins, leading to the fluid build-up in the lungs. Another side effect of Pleurisy is that aggravated Kapha becomes responsible for the gastric problems and obstructs the functioning of the digestive tract.

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