9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Anemia is a medical condition that is defined as alleviation in red blood cell count. The count of hemoglobin also goes down, which is the crucial protein in the red blood cells that takes care of oxygen carriage throughout the body. Anemia can be a symptom of various diseases; however, it can be a genetic loss in some cases. Women are at higher risk due to blood loss during mensuration and elevated supply of blood during pregnancy.

In the books of Ayurveda, there are three differentiated types of anemia that are the results of the vitiation in the different doshas of the body. Anemia of Vata type is associated with the deficiency of iron, anemia of Pitta type occurs due to issues in the liver or associated with the deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, and anemia of Kapha type is associated with the deficiency of energy protein. The cure for anemia in Ayurveda is the constitution of plants and herbs that stimulates the production of the erythrocyte.