9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Chronic gastritis is a medical condition in which the lining of the stomach tends to get inflamed. The glands on the stomach lining generate some important compound and acids that helps in breaking down of food and protein in the simpler form. However, the acid thus produced can be harmful to the stomach for which stomach lining secretes mucous for self-protection. But when these lining gets inflamed, chronic gastritis takes place. Similarly, in Ayurveda, it is referred to as the irritation in the lining that can further result in ulcers, pain in the stomach, and other complications.

This condition in Ayurveda is best known as Urdhvaga amlapitta. This is said to be the result of aggravation in the Pitta dosh. When the Pitta dosha gets vitiated, it results in the vitiation of digestive fire and lets the toxins stockpile within and elevates the level of harmful gases inside the stomach resulting in gastritis. Depending upon the differentiating factors, this ailment has three types, i.e. chronic, acute, and atrophic gastric. The aim of the treatment in Ayurveda is to prevent the accumulation of the toxins and pacify the vitiated dosha for the betterment.