9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Crohn’s disease tends to share the symptoms with ulcerative colitis.Primarily, it results in the formation of ulcers in the large intestine, but later the effect can be seen in any part of the digestive system. It can cause pain in the abdomen, loss in weight, diarrhea, etc. It can complicate the gastrointestinal tract. From the perspective of Ayurveda, Crohn’s disease falls under the Grahani disease. Grahani in Ayurveda is referred to as the small intestine (ileum and jejunum).

When there comes any imbalance in the doshas that can vitiate or make the part inflamed, many symptoms can be noticed in parts of the digestive system. Junk food, incompatible meals, undigested food, etc. are said to be the primary cause of the disease. Based upon the classic principles of Ayurveda, the disease can be treated, aiming for the betterment of the intestinal health. The recovery rate with Ayurvedic treatment for Crohn’s disease is noted to be very good.