9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Jaundice is a medical condition in which the body tends to become yellow. When the human body works actively and healthily, the yellow pigment is treated by the gall bladder and liver, and the waste is discarded out of the body in the form of feces. The impairment of liver results in jaundice. The human liver has the ability to transform. In Ayurveda, Pitta dosh is responsible for the transformation of materials due to which jaundice is said to be an illness in Ayurveda that results due to the vitiation in the Pitta dosha.

The aggravation of Pitta dosh results in the biliary secretion that can inflame the gall passage. The treatment in Ayurveda for jaundice aims for the balancing of pitta dosh. In this process, nutrition and assistance of herbs and classic Ayurvedic therapies are needed, and all the hot food should be kept out of the menu.