9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Liver cirrhosis is defined as the persistent damage in the liver that makes the organ severely scarred and forces it to function poorly. The reason behind this long term loss of the liver is the excess consumption of alcohol or the exposure of the organ in the toxins or due to viral liver infections. In the early stages of the disease, no symptoms can be seen due to its slow progression. During cirrhosis, scar tissues replace the healthy tissues of the organ and prevent the blood flow in the liver along with the hindrance in the processing of the hormones, nutrients, and toxins.

In Ayurveda, this ailment is described under the chapters of Udara Rogh (stomach issues) and, in particular, is known as Yakrddalyudara. The etiology of the disease in Ayurveda is described as the intake of hot, alkaline, saline, and poisonous drinks and food, and intake of unclean and dry food. When it comes to the treatment of the disease in Ayurveda, it is done with the ancient therapies and principles and herbal blends. Moreover, for the compliment, food that is easily digestible is added to the menu.