9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Acidity causes a burning sensation inside the body, and hyperacidity is the exaggerated type of the ailment. This disease can be seen in people of all ages. Hyperacidity is a set of symptoms that are the result of imbalance that tends to occur between the stomach’s secretion mechanism, proximal intestine, and the protective mechanism. We all are aware of the fact that a specific amount of acid is produced by the human stomach, but due to some reason, when the amount of this acid elevates in the stomach, it results in acidity.

According to Ayurveda, hyperacidity is the result of an imbalance in the digestive fire due to the vitiation in the Pitta dosha. The characteristics of this disease include irritation and inflammation in the gastric mucosa. When it comes to the treatment of hyperacidity, Ayurveda suggests the changes in the diet and suggest the use of some effective herbal preparations for the pacification of the aggravated dosha. Moreover, there are many ancient techniques that can be helpful at such a time. Additionally, it is necessary to lead a stress-free life for the speedy recovery from the ailment.