9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Coeliac is a medical condition defined by the hypersensitivity of the small intestine to gluten. This results in the poor and difficult digestion of the food we eat. It is an autoimmune disease that persistently reacts to gluten, or we can say that it is a condition of the constant reaction of the intestine to the dietary gluten. During this process, the villi in the intestine become flat. The villi are responsible for the absorption of food nutrients and breakdown of it. Because of the flattening of the villi, the bowel surface area gets diminished, and interference in the food absorption process starts to happen.

It further results in the deficiency of vital vitamins and minerals from the body. People with the issue of coeliac are likely to notice signs such as anemia, mouth ulcers, heartburn, and loss in bone density, injury in the nervous system, and many other issues. People with type 1 disease are highly at the risk of getting coeliac along with those who have a family history in the disease. In Ayurveda, the issue of coeliac is associated with the Annavaha srotas dushti, and the signs of this ailment are similar to that of Grahani rog.